Artist-Initiated Projects 2024 at PALLAS

I will be showing at Pallas Projects and Studios 12–28 September 2024 as part of their Artist-Initiated Projects.

Artist-Initiated Projects aims to act as an incubator for early careers, and support artists’ practices at crucial stages, providing a platform for artists to produce and exhibit new and challenging work across all art forms. The model of short-run exhibitions with a relatively short turnaround time of 3–6 months is an alternative to the normal institutional model, where the process of studio visit to exhibition can take several years. Shorter lead-in times allow the programme to be quick and responsive, reflect what artists are currently making, and encourage experimentation and risk-taking.

Pallas Projects/Studios is one of Ireland’s longest running artist-run spaces, with a dedicated tradition over 28 years towards the professional development of artists in a peer-led, supportive environment, providing opportunities for emerging and mid-career artists to develop and exhibit new work.

Pallas Projects/Studios Artist-Initiated Projects is funded by Arts Council Ireland.